Lovelyz Lovelyz8

[INFO] SGLovelyz - Lovelyz Mwave Signed Albums Preorder


As you've known, Lovelyz will be having their first MEET&GREET on Mwave on 27 October!

Here's a recap of the rules from Mwave: Lovelyz will select 15 out of 49 tiles, and selected 15 will get all members signed version of 'Lovelyz8' album!

For fans in Singapore who will like to save on their shipping fee, or if you wish to receive an individual signed member's album, you may place your order through us. We are having this preorder to assist any Singapore fans who do not have the means to join Mwave Meet & Greet (for eg. users without any PayPal account, etc.)

However, you are encouraged to participate in the Mwave MEET&GREET directly as your message to Lovelyz could be read if you are picked. Furthermore, you could just be lucky enough to be picked by the members or by the tiles randomizer even if you have purchased just one album. If you haven't heard of Mwave MEET&GREET, you may read more information about it on their page.

Without further ado, here's how it works if you are interested to participate in our preorder. As there's just a slim chance of getting an all members signed version of the CD, we have decided to do this preorder slightly differently.

For users whom are interested in getting the all members signed CD, you will be placed in a list together with other interested users. After which, depending on the amount of orders we have placed in behalf of all those who preorder from us as well as the number of all members signed CD that we have won, they will be entered in a draw to select who we will award the signed CD to. For users who did not manage to win the autographed CD, you will receive the solo member's signed CD depending on your priority ranking of the members.

Too confusing? Here's a scenario:

We hope it is clear enough for you.

Each album will be $25. If you are interested to proceed with our Mwave Signed Albums Preorder.
  1. Drop us an email to with your name and ranking of members from 1st to 8th (basically, which solo member's signed CD do you wish to receive most to the least).
  2.  Let us know if you are interested in participating in the all members signed version CD draw as stated above (some users may just be looking for a particular member's signature album).
  3. Wait for our response and transfer the amount to the bank account as per listed in the e-mai. Preorder closing date is strictly 25 October 2015 - 12pm SGT.
Feel free to e-mail us if you have any other enquiries at

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